Wednesday, September 24, 2014

The Technological Foundation for a Global Renaissance Project

The Renaissance that gave us all of the products that surround us today began around the 14th and 15th centuries, or about five to six hundred years ago.  The technological foundation for this rebirth of the Arts and Sciences was the uncovering of 3-dimensional Technical Drafting.

Leonardo Da Vinci is credited with uncovering the means and techniques that gave birth to 3-dimensional Technical Drafting; the numerically proportional graphic modeling of things creatively imagined in 3-D perspective on a 2-D surface.

It was not uncommon for artists around the 15th century to make distant objects in their paintings to appear smaller to give a sense of 3-dimensional perspective to their paintings.  Da Vinci being familiar with the system of unique numerical structures; the family of right-angle triangles, incorporated two identical right-angle triangles in a back-to-back arrangement which formed a triangle.   Da Vinci’s insight thus made 3-dimensional perspective on a 2-dimensional surface numerically treatable, which gave birth to Technical Drafting.

The uncovering of this numerically treatable 3-D graphic imaging provided the tool for all of the design and engineering of the millions of products that fill today’s manmade environment.  It represented the “tool of knowledge” for 3-D perspective and the technological foundation for the rebirth of the Arts and Sciences called the Renaissance.

Today, and for the past 100 years we have needed a new “tool of knowledge”; a visible concrete model of Albert Einstein’s proven existence of curved space-time; the structural order that underlies everything in universe.  This new “tool of knowledge” is the required technological foundation for a rebirth of the Arts and Sciences; a Global Renaissance.  A Global Renaissance that produces a manmade environment that is in structural harmony with the structural order throughout Nature.

Imagine the effect of a global rebirth of the Arts and Sciences that produces a manmade environment in structural harmony with everything in Nature, including you and me.  That’s the promise of the new “tool of knowledge” as we begin applying it in the Arts and Sciences; in how we see, think and build.

What is true of the effect of the global rebirth of the Arts is also true for the Sciences. Nikola Tesla said it best, “the day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence. To understand the true nature of the universe, one must think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”

The new “tool of knowledge”; the “Spiral Unified Field Coordinate System”, structurally and numerically models the non-physical phenomena; the invisible, dynamic spiral structural order underlying everything in universe, in terms of waveforms having energy, wavelength and vibrational frequency. 

Sculptor/researcher James Jacobs puts-on-the-table for your consideration this new “tool of knowledge”; the “Spiral Unified Field Coordinate System” and the meaning and significance it visibly and concretely demonstrates as the next and greater coordinate system superceding the cubic Cartesian Coordinate System by structurally transforming the system of plane right-angle triangles into the “Spiral Unified Field Coordinate System”.

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